
CSV Buddy is free to download and use, for personal or commercial use. It can be freely distributed over the internet in an unchanged form. You can make a donation if you wish.

  1. Download
  2. There is no software to install. Just extract the zip file content to the folder of your choice. Just make sure the app will have read/write access to this folder (avoid system folders like Program Files).
  3. Run the .EXE file from this folder (choose the 32-bits or 64-bits version depending on your system).
  4. At your convenience, create a shortcut on your Desktop or your Start menu.

Some delimited test files are distributed with the program.

  • TEST-CountryCodes.csv
    A standard CSV file (CSV stands for comma-separated values). This file is comma-delimited with double-quotes encapsulators. Retrieve with default values.
  • TEST-TheBeatles-Tab.txt
    A standard Tab-delimited DSV file (DSV stands for delimiter-sepatated values). This file is Tab-delimited with double-quotes encapsulators. Tab delimiter is automatically detected by CSV Buddy. Retrieve with proposed values.
  • TEST-TheBeatles-Lyrics.txt
    A CSV file with line breaks inside lyrics field. Check “Multi-line fields” before loading (leave “EOL replacement” empty). This file is comma-delimited with double-quotes encapsulators.
  • TEST-TheBeatles-Tab-HTML-DEMO.html
    A template to test HTML export. Load the file “TEST-TheBeatles-Tab.txt” and, in the “Export” tab, click “HTML” export format and “Select HTML template” button.
  • TEST-TheBeatles-Tab-WIKI-DEMO.txt
    A template to test Wiki table format. Load the file “TEST-TheBeatles-Tab.txt” and, in the “Export” tab, click “HTML” export format and “Select HTML template” button and choose this Wiki template.
  • TEST-Merge-One-Simple.csv
    Simple CSV file with a merged field. Simply load this file in the first tab. See the field “FN” created using the content of the fields “F1” and “F3”.
  • TEST-Merge-Double-Simple.csv
    Simple CSV file with a two merged fields. See the merge fields named “F1&2” and “F1&2&3”.