CSV Buddy is free to download and use, for personal or commercial use. It can be freely distributed over the internet in an unchanged form. You can make a donation if you wish.
- Download
- There is no software to install. Just extract the zip file content to the folder of your choice. Just make sure the app will have read/write access to this folder (avoid system folders like Program Files).
- Run the .EXE file from this folder (choose the 32-bits or 64-bits version depending on your system).
- At your convenience, create a shortcut on your Desktop or your Start menu.
Some delimited test files are distributed with the program.
- TEST-CountryCodes.csv
A standard CSV file (CSV stands for comma-separated values). This file is comma-delimited with double-quotes encapsulators. Retrieve with default values. - TEST-TheBeatles-Tab.txt
A standard Tab-delimited DSV file (DSV stands for delimiter-sepatated values). This file is Tab-delimited with double-quotes encapsulators. Tab delimiter is automatically detected by CSV Buddy. Retrieve with proposed values. - TEST-TheBeatles-Lyrics.txt
A CSV file with line breaks inside lyrics field. Check “Multi-line fields” before loading (leave “EOL replacement” empty). This file is comma-delimited with double-quotes encapsulators. - TEST-TheBeatles-Tab-HTML-DEMO.html
A template to test HTML export. Load the file “TEST-TheBeatles-Tab.txt” and, in the “Export” tab, click “HTML” export format and “Select HTML template” button. - TEST-TheBeatles-Tab-WIKI-DEMO.txt
A template to test Wiki table format. Load the file “TEST-TheBeatles-Tab.txt” and, in the “Export” tab, click “HTML” export format and “Select HTML template” button and choose this Wiki template. - TEST-Merge-One-Simple.csv
Simple CSV file with a merged field. Simply load this file in the first tab. See the field “FN” created using the content of the fields “F1” and “F3”. - TEST-Merge-Double-Simple.csv
Simple CSV file with a two merged fields. See the merge fields named “F1&2” and “F1&2&3”.